Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 20, 2013 - Feelin' Groovy

Hi Family!
I am kind of sick of telling you each what I am doing in school every day so what better way then to blog about my oh so exciting life! Today was a verryyy long day! History in the morning and then lab. During lab we worked on our group projects and that was very fun... our group chose to show what Simon and Garfunkel were really feeling and talking about in "Feelin' Groovy." We are making a film and it is going to be amazing! Here are some pictures we took today!

It is going to be awesome but we have a lot of work to do! Here is a photo of all the work I have to get done this Meredith do not feel badly about not coming because I will be busyyy!

Okay! I love you all...I am sure I will talk to you all soon!


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